How to Say Sorry to Someone You Hurt

How to Say Sorry to Someone You Hurt

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

  • She has a boyfriend: She may be taken by someone else. Either her or her boyfriend may not like you trying to start conversation with her or liking /commenting on her stuff. They may have felt it necessary to remove you entirely.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

  • She’s just not that into you: Oftentimes women will block someone because they are simply not interested in the advances you have been making on her.

Now that you have had a chance to think about why she may have blocked you, it’s time to think about the next steps you can take.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

  • Whatever you do, don’t be a creep: Coming on too strongly after she has blocked you will most likely just push her further away. Don’t blow up her phone if she blocks you on and vice versa. Be patient.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

    lohnt sich tinder für Jungs

  • Try to reach out another way: The best thing you can do is to simply reach out to her in some other way. This will be impossible if she has blocked you on every platform. However, if she hasn’t, go ahead and write an appropriate message asking her why she felt it necessary to block you.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

  • Use good grammar: Besides using proper sentence structure, try to keep the message short and to the point. Feel free to express you are hurt by her blocking you, but do not make her feel bad for it! Acting resentful is a good way of turning her off of you.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

  • Make your case: Tell her that you are sorry for whatever you may have done, especially if she tells you that you’ve offended her. Give her a couple reasons as to why she should continue to keep you unblocked. However, don’t get pushy with her.

Remember the time rules: Send your message and wait. Wait up to 24 hours. If she doesn’t respond by then, it’s okay to send one more text when the day is up. If she doesn’t respond after the second message, it’s safe to say all hope is lost between the two of you.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Ignoring You (and What to Do)

  • TAGS
  • dating advice
  • digital


Well that’s going to be a story. I don’t know if it’s worth trying to still be friend of her after recently she blocked me.

The story is like we met someday outside we changed facebook profiles and after some day We went on some short walk which brought us making love. The point is She was really into me that day and days later. But somehow after a while She started having like an emotional hangover or something. She underlined a lot that there will be nothing between us and we are friends. I accepted it and I really enjoyed spending time with her. After that emotional rollecoaster we made a love another time which brought us to long night messaging. I started to feel something to her but I had in mind that She will not want to get into something deeper. After some time we met another time which was so so but I kept talking with her decided we should give a break eachother. After I went on some holidays for 1-2 weeks. She wanted to meet me, she said how much she missed me and something. We met some days after I went back to my city. It was a short walk. She brought me some gifts including self-made heart that had “I love you” words inside. I was really happy seeing her again, but after I escorted her and hugged She really wanted to run from me. But the very next day she told me that she’s got a boyfriend well I accepted that. But thats not the end of the story. I just wanted to keep our contact alive and asked her If she is going to hang out somewhere some time. Then she decided to block me. I think it’s not worth waiting until she breaks up with her boyfriend. To sum everything up there were days that she really was into me and she was the one who starts converstation and some days that she just wanted me to go away. I guess it was because she was flirting with her boyfriend. Could it be that she wasnt really sure which one to choose?